February 28, 2017

Cup Flippin'

We've started a new unit in math. We will be recording and analyzing data this week. I thought it would be a good idea to get some of this bottle flippin' out of the way...and for a good cause. I give you...cup flippin'. After flipping our cups for several trials, we created a tally chart, bar graph, and a dot plot based on the data. More data analysis to come!

February 21, 2017


Welcome, welcome, welcome to my new digital home! Isn't it nice?? For all things Ms. Strickland's class, you can come here and check out the prospective page. There is even a special place for my wonderful kiddos. I love having this open door into my classroom with these amazing kids that are being shared with me. As a first post, I have decided to take a look back at a couple of the awesome things that we did over the 1st semester. As I reflect, I think these kids did such a great job and I am looking forward to more fun this semester! Here's to my Superheroes!

    Paging All Doctors



Wind Erosion/Sand Blasters
Making Sand Dunes


Nehemiah using weathering to build sand dunes.