August 6, 2018

Retropost: New Beginnings in Sight...

     This post has been a long time coming. As I work in my new classroom, I reflect on the past and how awesome my experience was at Liberty Grove. I have truly enjoyed and I will always remember every family that I have been in contact with. There are some people you meet that will forever be a part of your heart. That is what I feel for my Liberty Grove family. I am always but an email or DM see you later my Liberty Grove family..

     My reflective state of mind also gives me a chance to prepare for what is to come. I am so excited to be joining this new team in a new position. Who ever would have thought I would leave 5th grade for 3rd grade! I can't believe it myself, but I believe this move is for a purpose. I can't wait to meet all of those little faces that will be working with me on this new journey. If you are reading this and you are one of my past Gators...or Gators who I never had the chance to have in my classroom...please know that I STILL LOVE YOU and I am ALWAYS here if you need me. If you are reading this and you are one of my current or future Panthers...LET'S GET READY TO ROCK AND ROLL my little Superhero! This is going to be a new beginning for all of us and this is going to be an awesome year! 

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